Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cairo and Zabaleen, a Youtube video

While we didn't go to Luxor, this video (not ours) shows the essence of Cairo and Zabaleen. You can hear the honking of cars, the sound of prayers, the greetings of the people. They want to know where you're from, we try to tell them, we're from China, just so they won't gouge us thinking we're rich Americans. The kids are really friendly, they smile and wave, the older kids would come up and say, 'Welcome to Egypt' to which we reply, 'thank you'. Sometimes we feel their hostility, not because we're foreigners, I think, more so because we're 2 women who are not accompanied by any male person. The more educated Egyptian women are more tolerant and accepting. We were almost run down by this female driver who wore a head scarf, I think, the more religious they are, the less tolerant they are. We yelled at her and made some gestures. We were not going to take that kind of crap from anyone.

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