Friday, October 16, 2009

The shop at Petersham Nurseries

Thank God for the British artistry, we still have businesses like this which is not profitable but beautiful and artistic also. The American business culture doesn't lend itself to shops like this. Everything is centralized, homogenized, uniform and artless. Case in point, Starbucks, Walmart and so many others. American businesses is planned for convenience and homogeneity. Everything is planned to the last detail and leaves no room for creativity. Everything is tracked on the computer and graphs generated on every detail. I know, I work for a huge US Corporation. Not that big corporations are bad, most of us work for one, that's where we derive our income. So when I need to relax, rather than take a cruise or go to Mexico or the Caribbean, I cross the pond to old Europe and soak in some old culture and creativity. Imagine our Home Depot is decorated like this.

One can spend hours here just taking pictures, every corner is pretty. We would soon leave here to take the tube back to central London but not until we've explore a little of beautiful Richmond.

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