Friday, July 17, 2009

People in Southern China

Here are some of China's many 'minzhou' or minorities. They make up the 8 percent of China's population who are not 'Han' Chinese. The Chinese government has to strike a delicate balance in treating their minorities fairly in the eyes of the world. Most minorities has rights that Han Chinese don't have even in Xinjiang province where there is rioting and violence between Han Chinese and the Uighurs. The Uighurs are resentful that they are being governed by Beijing and the Han are resentful because the Uighurs have benefits that the Han Chinese don't have. To me, it is a fascinating study, it's all academic. I have a very exotic heritage, an overseas Chinese, born and raised in Malaysia, a Muslim country and now reside in the USA which is not devoid of racial tension. I work in a predominantly black neighborhood and face racial barbs everyday. So before the West criticises China, we need to look at our own attitudes towards the minorities in our own backyard.

Lunch time! I'm very careful where I eat and what I eat when I travel. It is tempting to sit with the locals but I don't. There are reports of students going abroad to study, ending up being violently ill beacuse of eating the local food. I read a recent report of kids having kidney failure while abroad. I try to travel with someone so that if one should get sick, there's someone else to help. I was alone on this trip and I took extra precautions but did get sick anyway, just a little but it was enough to scare the living daylights out of me. While we like to do what the locals do, my advice is still, be careful, whether you're traveling alone or with a group. It's not fun to be sick.

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