The Giza pyramids are faintly visible at the left corner of this picture.
After seeing the Mohammad Ali mosque at the Citadel, we exited in the back to a big viewing area. We can see the whole of Cairo and as far as the Giza pyramids. It was an amazing view to see the 'mud' colored buildings of Cairo and the oasis that is Giza in the far horizon. Among the palm trees of the oasis, the pyramids are visible. It was surreal. All my life, I've heard of songs, seen pictures and read about them and here am I and there they are, right in front of me, though in the distance. Wow! How great is that.
Just as walked out into the sunshine, the call to pray started. From each mosque in the valley, though not in unison, rang out the call to pray from loud speakers. It was quite beautiful. Before long the call came up out of all the mosques in Cairo. They say to come in the evening, as the sun set and the 6 pm call to pray starts, it is even more incredible.
Imagine a Muslim invader ruler of Egypt, ruling from the Citadel, and looking down at Cairo at your feet..... The Mamluks built a lot of mosques in Cairo and from the Citadel, we can see every one of them, it is minarets and domes all over the skyline of Cairo and mixed in the call to pray, it is a sight to behold. Very impressive.

The Giza pyramids are now in the centre of this picture, its outline, barely visible. In real time, they were clearly visible. It is so amazing. I want to shout, 'I'm in Egypt!'