Wednesday, March 01, 2006

5 years later

Today 5 years later, I am still in love with my house. How did I get this far financially after a few devastating financial setbacks. First major one was my divorce and without help from a lawyer I gave up rights to a lot of the financial pile which I made the most contribution to. I made twice what he made when he worked. The second major setback was after liquidating a stock portfolio of $150,000 before the tech bubble, I put $80,000 into a business venture with family and never saw a cent return. I was stuck with a $20,000 capital gains tax bill. When it was time to pay the tax man, I had to charge it on my credit card and then apply for a home equity loan to pay off the credit card bill. A lot of people probably would not be able to get through such devastation. It was a shamefull experience. It's been 7 years and I am only just now able to talk about it. I remember one lonely night, on my knees in the sitting room, praying this prayer. "I want to prosper, Lord, prosper me" as big tear drops trickle down my cheeks. He answered my prayers beyond my wildest expectation.

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