'Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes' - Henry David Thoreau. How true. I was to attend a meeting last year (I don't have to attend meetings in my job) so I went out and bought a linen jacket from Zara. I ended up attending the meeting wearing old clothes. The $80 linen jacket from Zara still hangs, unworn in my closet. The family was over for Easter dinner and we were looking through the photos I took of my March 07 visit to Sicily. The teenager niece, being a fashion police (at 13) noticed that I had the same clothes on as the trip to Italy the year before. The computer bag with the numerous buckles to ward off even the most dexterous of pickpockets; the grey wool cardigan; the pink scarf she bought me during our 04 trip to France and my travel pants from Columbia. To me, it is not the clothes, I never shop for clothes before any trip, it is the place. It might be the same clothes but that's not important. It is a different place each time, that's what's important. I get the last laugh. I haven't shopped in years. I have a huge walk in closet in my house and it is very empty. I wear the same old rags day in day out. I watched a documentary called 'China Blue' last night of how the sweat shops in China makes denim jeans for the whole world. I don't think I'll ever wear denim jeans ever again in my life. I digress. I used to love fashion until I started traveling. It costs a lot to travel, even at the way I do it, slumming all the way, at least $2500n per trip. So there's no money for new clothes. This way I get to travel twice a year, still afford to pay off my mortgage at an accelerated rate, increase the size of my CD (not music) and my stock portfolio. I don't buy expensive makeup, just drugstore stuff. (I work in a drugstore as a pharmacist). I have another 2 weeks off in October and I have 2 alternative itineraries- one to return to Sicily, the other to the French Alps. I can't decide. What will I wear? I'll rummage through my empty (half) closet to round up something. The red pair of sneakers that I had on has been to many places in Europe with me. I have to retire it, for Spring travel anyway because rain water could get in. I had wet toes this trip.
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