Looking at these pictures again, and now that the initial culture shock is over, I find myself longing to go back and just hang out. Rather than take pictures from a moving cab, I'd like to get out of the car and just walk and smile and wave. Before I embarked on this trip, I told myself this is the year I lose my American sense and sensibility, rather than going to places that are similar to home, I'm going to places which will shock me to the core. The initial shock was hard to take but now that I've gotten over it, I want to return, to spend more time and hang out. This was good for me.

Life is very regular here.

This could be the city of Giza or the city of Wadi Natrun or even some neighborhoods in Cairo itself.

Life here probably hasn't changed in thousands of years. I don't know if that is good or bad. Compare that to my life where I have to fill prescriptions as fast or faster than they cook hamburgers at Micky D..... it's no wonder I need to travel so much.

Do I envy them? Maybe.
These are great pictures, not professionally, but personally, to have capture life here on the banks of the river Nile. This was a great trip, I'm so appreciative of this opportunity.
Even as I write this, I have the next trip, all ready to execute, the visa, the ticket, the itinerary, its all ready.
I've just finished doing my income tax return and have a big tax bill. Next week I have a pay review at work, somehow it is not important anymore.
They are fascinating pictures.
Thank you, Patrizia. They are endearing pictures, more precious now than when I took them.
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