While we are on the subject of antiquities, I was at an exhibition the past weekend of 'Terra Cotta warriors' at the Bowers museum in Santa Ana, California. It is a comparatively small collection that travels. I've seen a similar collection over 10 years ago when I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. That collection was exhibited at the Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Small it might be, it is still very impressive. One has to imagine the scale of the original, to experience it, one has to go to Xian, China.
This is just the army of the first emperor of China, his actual tomb remains a mound of dirt, so huge, it is larger than the pyramids, it remains unexcavated. I hope they open it in my lifetime. It promises to be super grand. This display of clay warriors and horses and war implements is so grand, it is mind boggling. I hope to able find time to go to Xian, China soon.
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