Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Khampa phosar

 Khampa phosar, or man from Kampa, sometimes has long hair into which they weave red wool threads.
 They use a red sash to tie up their chuba.
 Some women, instead of using the more elaborate head dress, weaves red wool threads into their hair also.
This area of the Tibetan plateau is also called Kham and the people from here are called 'khampas'. When China was invading Tibet, the CIA tried to arm and train Khampa men to fight off the invasion but the plan failed miserably with the Americans abandoning the Khampas. The Khampas were left to fend for themselves, they were outmanned and outgunned and many died at the hands of the Communist army. The lucky ones fled to exile in Nepal, Bhutan and India. The Khampa men or Khampa phosar were known for their courage and valor.

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