A techie, I'm not but I love new technology even though I'm almost the last to own some of these new stuff. This could be a digital camera, a DVD player or anything. I have a lot of pictures because of my travels. Not all of them were taken by a digital camera, in fact I've only learned how to use my digital camera the last few trips. So I have lots of trips when I've missed photo ops and I have lots of pictures that were taken with a cheapie 35mm film camera. I had trouble finding film in France the last trip and when I found them they were exorbitant. For this reason I loved my color scanner printer. I can scan some of my pictures into my PC and then use these pictures. Take this picture, it was taken with a Kodak Advantix. The developed picture was scanned into my PC and I just uploaded it for use in this blog. I told a friend about how to do this and it sounded like I am this great tech wizard. I can scan pictures from books and magazines and use it like I would with this picture. This is a back alley in Venice, far from the madding crowd. Every nook and cranny in Venice is a photo op.