Saturday, January 28, 2012


Ever since the discovery of Petra, visitors have traveled to the area with Bible in hand. So much in Genesis happened in and around that area. Jordan is also called 'the other Holy land', mostly because a lot of the events mentioned in the Bible happened on this side of the river Jordan and the Dead sea. Aaron, Moses' brother is supposed to be buried here. Moses was supposed to have struck the rock for water on this side. The Edomites who lived here were later replaced by the Nabataeans and it was the Nabataeans who built most if not all the beautiful monuments that we see today. The Bedouins of Arabia began migrating into this area and today they are found all over Petra. Also known as 'Bedu' or nomads, today, most of them have more or less settled. Their 'goat hair' woven tents are mostly for display. They live in ramshackle huts all over the rocky area, they ply their goods and services to the tourists. Some still tend to their animals, the rest just sell kitsch, hire themselves out as guides, offer donkey, horse or camel rides. They can be aggressive in plying their wares and services but mostly they are friendly and hospitable. The invitation to have tea is always there. One cannot walk or hike or climb anywhere in Petra without bumping into a Bedouin family. I'm almost glad because some parts are so deserted that it feels good to know that someone is always close by, whether it be women and their children or this lone old lady.

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