Saturday, April 03, 2010

Morocco, the magnificent

I've just stepped off an Air France jet and am at my computer uploading all the pictures I took of the trip to Morocco. We spent a few days in Brittany, France. After Morocco, France and Paris is so bland. Morocco is vibrant, colorful and alive. Before Morocco, Sicily was my most favorite place. Today, that first place has been replaced by Morocco. The food is cheap, exotic and delicious. The people were helpful and friendly. The whole place is as colorful as this water seller. Now they don't sell water, they just dress up and have their picture taken for 10 dirhams. It is the most amazing place in the world. Everyone's got to visit, it should be among the 100 things to do before dying. Put it on your bucket list.I shall be posting more over the next few days, weeks, months.... till my next trip.

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