Is England or the English known for its food? Yes, only known for how bad the food is. I certainly had my fill of bad English food during my many trips there. When I think of England I think of the clotted cream ice-cream that is so wonderful; of the cream teas found everywhere- fresh baked scones, chunky strawberry jam and thick clotted cream...mmmmmm. I think of crusty Cornish Pasties. One doesn't have to go to Lands' End or Penzance in Cornwall to eat tasty Cornish Pasties. I found a great stall in Victoria station that sells great Cornish Pasties. I'm going to be there pretty soon and I know I will make a beeline for the Cornish Pasties stall. I have a food story associated with London. I spent a Christmas in London a few years ago and just before I was to leave, an email from my cousin said, "mum said don't forget the beef". They haven't had beef in a few years because of mad cow disease and I was to bring with me a frozen rib roast. I went to our local market, found a 10 lb rib roast and hauled it in my checked in luggage all the way to London. We had roast beef, yorkshire pudding and roasted parnips for dinner that Christmas. It was a very memorable Christmas. I want to spend Christmas in London again soon.
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