A Labor day BBQ, a family affair, a hands on family affair. While we spend so much of our time and energy at work, we can so easily forget our family. We come home, spent and devoid of enthusiasm, there is often nothing left of us for our families. We, Americans, work so much harder and for so much less time off, more so now than ever before, now that the costs of everything has gone up so much. I was tempted to just veg out this Labor day but I decided, no, time spent with family must not be sacrificed. So here we are, in my back yard, having a cook out. We chatted about the current business climate, the current political Presidential race and so on. We chipped in to cook and we ate together. It was great. These pictures goes out to our families who live in other countries. While I may not have the biggest readership, this blog does go out by email to family members in London and Malaysia. Even though we are not together, we are together in spirit and I'll be seeing some of the London families in 2 weeks time. Greetings from the USA.
A pot of blueberries being readied for making of the annual summer pudding.

Sophie, chipping in, to do some of the cooking.

My kitchen, with the dated yellow and black tiles, no, I have no plans to update it.

Ashely and my 2 brothers doing the outdoor cooking.

The very gooey summer pudding, I layered the bread this time instead of the usual lining the pudding bowl with the bread. It works, I saw it in a magazine.

Almost gone......

Almost gone........

Andiamo, manjari.... (I think that's how its spelt) Let's eat.

A very cosmopolitan meal, English summer pudding, Italian pasta, American BBQ, all served with chopsticks?

Don't bother me, I'm working through my dessert.
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