This was our second visit to Khan al-Kahalili even though there had been an explosion the day before our first visit. We saw few tourists, just this small group. He bought this head scarf and I told him he looked good in it and took his picture. I only speak English and a spattering of Chinese and I've been to a lot of countries that don't speak either language. I've managed and have enjoyed all my trips immensely. Rick Steves, continuously, encourages his readers to be militantly positive. It is a good attitude to adopt. Even though we were cheated at Cairo airport when we arrived, I didn't let the incident dominate my mind. It was a non issue, it was only money that we lost, and my ego. Now that I've tackled Cairo, I feel ready to tackle China and India, with similar attitudes towards visitors. One needs to be cautious but not too overly sensitive. Brave and bold as I am, I won't put myself in harms way like stay out late at night or get drunk or go with strangers. I won't go to a dangerous place either like Tijuana, Mexico.

Here is one last look at the spice markets till I find myself in another country with a similar spice market.

The Irq-sous man. How do I know? I saw a drawing in George America's book, 'Egypt Illuminated'. George America, an artist, spent considerable time in Egypt and sketched and drew while he was there. Usually this guy carries with him an elaborate contraption which holds some liquid that he sells to passerby. What luck. We bumped into him. I quickly snapped this picture while Sophie tried chasing him around to take a picture showing his frontal view but he kept dodging her. I don't know if she ever got any pictures of him.
It is with a little nostalgia as I write the last postings on this trip. We were told when we first arrived that there wasn't much to see or do in Cairo. I proved them wrong. If you can get past the initial culture shock, Cairo is an incredible place.
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