Egypt was under Roman rule as with the neighboring land of Canaan and some remnants of their presence can be seen in Coptic Cairo, the oldest part of the city of Cairo. The wall is at a lower level, the new city having grown over it. Excavation has revealed this part of it and I think there was restoration or maybe not. It looked new but then the dry desert condition has a preserving effect on buildings.

We were here but we didn't visit the Coptic museum. We left it for our next trip. I have just acquired a copy of Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt's book called 'Tutankhamen, life and death of a Pharaoh' and am preparing for an encore visit to Egypt. This time to Upper and Middle Egypt.

While the Romans were here and they left some remnants of their presence, not much has been written about it. It was during this time that the Egyptian woman, Cleopatra, played a some what prominent role in Roman politics in Egypt.
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