Friday, December 02, 2011

Courtyard houses

 In the frenzy of city life in Beijing, there are pockets of rustic surburbia. There are constant stories of the disappearance of the hutongs or courtyard homes in Beijing. They are still found, albeit, not in their original quantities, a lot has been bulldozed to make room for tall and modern buildings.

 We met a guy who lived here and asked to be allowed in to photograph the place. This was the China we came to see. There are still provinces in China left out by the crazy development of the last 30 years and they still retain the life in China of a hundred years ago.

After that visit, it was back to reality, the reality of the traffic choked streets of modern Beijing. We met another guy who is from Hong Kong and we stopped and had coffee in his shop. A few other young people has also set up shop here. It was very refreshing to meet young Western looking Chinese people.

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