I posted this last year and I ran across it again looking at old journals, I touched it up a little and decided it's still good to be posted again. It is still very apt. Each morning as I open the Wall Street Journal, I still don't see any good news. One of the companies predicted to disappear in 2009 was Nortel and yesterday they filed for Chapter 11 protection. In fact the company I work for was another company slated to disappear in 2009 and I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. My doctor asked me yesterday,'when are you going to retire?' I said, 'probably never. I definitely will be doing something to stay afloat.' In the end it will not be government or Wall Street that will save us, it will be us and our ingenuity.
It is not how much you have but it's what you do with what you have. Having money doesn't make one happy, not having money doesn't make one happy either. At least, the poor know what they want, the rich already has money. Do they know what they want? One author said,...the trick to money is having some..... I agree, it's having some money and doing the most with it.
Depression and mental illness is so prevalent these days. Everyone is reaching for a pill, the poor reaches out for a pill, the middle class and the rich does the same, the mainstream as well as the minorities. We are all united by Prozac or a Prozac like pill, the young and the old as well. We've never had it so good in the history of mankind- money, opportunities and freedoms but we are still depressed. I have no answer. I just count the many 'Prozac' pills everyday and make an incredible livelihood from mental health or the lack of!
In the end, the answer lies within us, not in a bottle of pills. We have to be contented with what we have, if not, go and make some more or save some more. I'm very pragmatic, I don't make excuses for myself, nor do I for others. I often tell myself, '...get off your tush and do it already, like yesterday....' If you are not happy, make yourself happy, do something to make yourself happy. If you have no money, find something to do to get some money, get a second job, have a garage sale, stop spending. If we need answers, go to the wisdom books of the bible like Proverbs. Have you ever read Proverbs? Read it again... and again. You'll be amazed at the answers there, there's an answer for every question. If you want to be rich, Proverbs says, 'consider the ant....' Also it says, 'a little sleep, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will overtake you like a bandit...' Some one once said, ' annual income 100 pounds, annual expenditure 99 pounds = happiness, annual income 100 pounds, annual expenditure 101 pounds = misery. How true.
There are answers out there. Matthew 22: 29 says, 'ye do err, not knowing the word of God...not knowing the power of God.'