After a mind numbing journey of 24 hours, I'm finally in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province. I was so tired and my head was cracking inside of me, I had a huge headache but still I left my hotel room to explore. I wasn't going to waste a single moment. The city is so amazing, while the construction cranes in the USA and other parts of the West are at a standstill, they are working overtime in Kunming. Until recently this was just a sleepy backwater provincial city but because of the money brought in by tourism, it has grown (and still growing) into this huge and vibrant metropolis. There were cars everywhere, motorcycles, bicycles and people and more people cramming the crowded streets, all jockeying for space. There were spanking new malls advertising modern food and clothing. This was not even Beijing or Shanghai. This phenomenon call China is so amazing. The Chinese has built more than 250 airports recently all over China, thus making traveling around China much easier and the tourist money just keeps pouring in, from local Chinese, Overseas Chinese and other westerners. It is one sure way of lifting the economy of some of the poorer cities.

I knew I didn't come to China to see modern metropolis like this. I came to explore the old neighborhoods, if there are any left, to see the old ways of life and the minorities of China, of which many lives around Yunnan. It was hot and humid, something I'm not accustom to.

The parking lot for motorcycles were cramped.

The parking lot for bicycles were also cramped.

The guidebook said, tucked into this area is the old quarter. It wasn't easy to find, because it was hidden by tall buildings and in between these buildings, one can see a remnant of the old quarter, teetering on the verge of disappearance. I think in 2 years this old quarter will not exist anymore. Indeed it is old, a bunch of ramshackle buildings hurdling together and in danger of toppling over. It was the only interesting part of the city of Kunming. I was excited as I realised I have discovered it and started to take pictures. Some of the residents were out and about, kind of surprised that someone would be interested in their neighborhood. They were accommodating in allowing me to even photograph them and their homes.

I am an overseas Chinese, a special term, 'huaqiao' that refers to any Chinese born outside of China. When you say you're an overseas Chinese, people in China will understand that China is not your motherland.

I love to peek into courtyards every time and everywhere. Some of them are so pretty and quaint as you will also see when I go to Lijiang, another city in Yunnan later.

They make a steamed Chicken soup with these clay pots and I think this is a restaurant, though I never found out where the seating are is. I saw only the kitchen. I would have sat down and tried some because this is one of the specialties of Yunnan cooking.
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