Saturday, March 13, 2010


I know some people like to put pompoms on their luggage or other distinguishing marks in order to easily identify them as they come out of the luggage chutes at airports. I like those pretty ribbons that are given out with expensive chocolates or expensive toiletries. These are prettier and serve the same purpose of easy identification. I'm packing another memory card to add on to the two 8 gb that I already have. I went to Best Buy, our local electronic store this morning and came back with an expensive one. 8 gb is not a whole lot of space. I prefer to use a few in case one is damaged or lost, I wouldn't lose all the pictures of that trip that I would if I used a 16gb to hold everything. I asked the salesperson the difference between a class 6 that I have and the class 4 that they sell. He said, faster download or upload. He sold me a class 10 that cost twice as much as the class 4. Who would have thought there is technology involved in memory cards. So now I have three, a class 2, a class 6 and my new class 10. A few years ago, a camera to me is just a camera, a 35mm piece of gadget. Today it is something much more. Tomorrow? Who Knows.

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