Here in Rome, the old intermingle with the new in a glorious way. I don't know of another more glorious city in the world than Rome. More than ever I believe everyone should have seen Rome at least once in their life, more is even better. I was so scared on my first visit to Rome, it's gotten a bad rap from the images we saw on TV about pickpockets. I've felt better on subsequent visits, not that the pickpockets are gone but I'm better able to deal with them. We still see empty wallets and handbags being thrown away after their contents have been rifled through and removed. We had to deal with gipsies on Italian trains. We took care of them. They don't realise that we are as scrappy as they are. Don't let them frighten you and prevent you from visiting one of the world's most sumptous city.
The porchetta lady. I love porchetta, roast pork. Here in Campo de fiore, the lovely porchetta lady carves out those delicious slices of porchetta. She even smiled for the camera. Most vendors are so grouchy. There will almost always someone selling porchetta out of a truck at most farmers' market.
Campo de fiore in the morning. This was my first time because previous visits to Rome has me visiting Campo de fiore in the afternoon when the market is over. Come in the morning and feast your eyes on the local color.

Where would one find hams and preserved meat products hanging from the store rafters? After a hard day's jaunts, it is time for a cappucino.
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