The tickets on British Airways has been purchased and here am I consulting a myriad of guidebooks as I plan the itinerary. We'll be crossing many borders and the planning for this trip takes more doing than the previous ones. I don't know how many times I've gone over everything, trying to remember what I read and where, which guidebook did I consult? It's mind boggling but that's what I do for every trip. This will be my third this year and final one for this year. I'm into planning next year's trips. I have to work and save doubly hard and I'm up to the task. I mustn't neglect my other financial commitments like saving in order to invest and paying off the mortgage. As the saying goes, pay yourself first and I do, as I save for travel, I pay extra into my mortgage and I send regular checks to my Schwab one brokerage account and pick my own stocks. I am constantly scanning the business news to get stock tips and right now I'm fully invested in foreign stocks. There are interesting YouTube videos on the current economic crisis in the USA and sometimes I post them on this blog.

For days now I've been struggling with the Rail Europe website trying to purchase our rail passes and make reservations on certain sector of the trip. I was hung up on the Hungarian sector until I called the Rail Europe people yesterday and a very nice lady helped me complete the arrangements and got me an even cheaper price. We'll be flying into and out of London. From London we'll take Eurostar to the continent. On one sector we'll be sleeping on the train, a first for us. It will be so interesting. We'll take the night train from Budapest to Zurich, be in Zurich for a few hours before proceeding onto Strasbourg, France.
I'm excited. It'll mean a lot of different places and eating a lot of different food. Wherever possible we'll be staying in hostels, just can't afford hotels anymore.
The Eurostar station in London has moved from Waterloo to St Pancras. I've been into Waterloo station many times. This is another first, going to St Pancras.
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