There is fresh water everywhere, water from springs like this and water from the snow melt of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. There is fresh waterfalls everywhere and this is such a remarkable place. Fresh water is very important to the Dongba culture, the religion practised by the Naxi minority. Everyone is responsible for keeping the water clean. I saw this old man picking up trash from the canals, on his own. Everywhere, in China, there are huge billboards and TV monitors that spill out propaganda about the individual responsibility to make China great. It is no different in Lijiang even though the Han Chinese population is minimal. By and large people are law abiding and believe in those propaganda.

The water runs throughout the old city, reminds me of Annecy, a little village in France. (Read it in this blog, search for Annecy).

There is this huge lake at one end of the old city. There are paths to take for walking around the lake. It was a really beautiful walk, it is the stuff Chinese lakes are made of, the stuff one sees in Calenders and posters.
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