Here we are about to walk the Charles bridge over the river Vltava and head up the hill towards Prague castle. I think there are public transportation up there but we preferred to walk. Not that we knew where we were going, we didn't, and there weren't anyone else walking. At the other side of the bridge, we did meet this couple who asked me to take their picture. From their accent I knew they were Malaysians so I asked which part, they tell me 'Sarawak' which is the southern part of Borneo. I told them I was from the Northern part of Borneo. Fancy that, meeting your countrymen in Prague. Who would have thunk? We did get to meet more Malaysians in the latter part of the trip. The castle quarter is actually a complex of churches, the castle, some houses courtyards and other things. We didn't pay to get into the castle nor did we pay to see 'Golden lane'. It would have been easier if they used euros. Again I didn't want to change more money and have to deal with unscrupulous money changers. Not that we haven't met unscrupulous people elsewhere in Europe, in France, I have been shortchanged by market people and even a SNCF (train) ticket agent. In Italy, I was shortchanged by Trenitalia ticket agent. Imagine that, these are official people! I experienced nothing of this sort in China, imagine that! Oh well, that's part of the price of admission. 
The Charles bridge

Which way is it to Prague castle?

We did get to go into the very sumptuous St Vitus. I think churches should be free, one can buy a candle, drop a donation and/or buy some postcards. We tried to get into some Serbian Orthodox churches, they weren't free.

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