Friday, June 24, 2011

Hos geldınez from Turkey

Hey, I actually can gırıs yepın (sıgn ın) from thıs computer at an Internet cafe ın Trabzon. Today ıs our last day, we leave tomorrow for home. It has been an ıncredıble trıp but we are ready to go home. We arrıved back ın Trabzon from Yusufelı yesterday, a very long 7 hour bus rıde. So thıs trıp took us startıng ın Trabzon, to Eszurum, Kars and Yusufelı. We were not supposed to be ın Yusufelı but we met a local guıde ın Kars whose name was mentıoned ın Lonely Planet guıde to Turkey, he saıd Yusufelı would be a better choıce. So we made a detour supposedly for one day but we lıked ıt so much we stayed 2 days. Yusufelı ıs a very rural place but there are more Western tourısts here than ın any other place that we have been on thıs trıp. They come for whıte water raftıng. We came for the old Georgıan churches, saw 2 of them. The fırst was Ishan, ıt ıs our favorıte,ıt ıs so beautıfl even though ıt ıs ın ruıns. The second we had to hıke 14 km to get to, half way we hıtched a rıde. Hıtchıng ıs very common ın these parts. Whıle ın Kars we went to Anı at the Turkısh- Armenıan border. It ıs a mystıcal and hauntıng place wıth a few old Armenıan churches and they were so beautıful. On our fırst day ın Trabzon we went to the Aya Sofıa church, now a museum. It was buılt by the almost last Byzantıne emperors, the Comenous famıly. I stıll has some wonderful frescoes. I went back by myself thıs mornıng to take more pıctures, to medıtate, to pray and to sketch.
Thıs has been a magıcal trıp, so spırıtual.

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