Proverbs 13: 22
'a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous'.
But with credit card debt your wealth is stored up for the wicked, therefore get rid of credit card debt.
Proverbs 22:7
'the borrower is servant to the lender'.
-service your debt, serve your debt, work to pay it off, never have it, buy only when you have the money. The credit card company allows every individual to have 250% of they earn. You can pay a lifetime and never get it paid off. Work diligently to pay it off and never have it again.
Proverbs 29:18
'where there is no revelation(vision) the people casts off restraint'.
Habakkuk 2:2
'write down the revelation (vision) and make it plain.'
Write down the goals, so you can see it..
- mortgage payments 0
- car payments 0
-credit card debts 0
With clearly written goals, there is restraint.
Luke 14: 28
'count the costs'.
always before buying anything!
Deuteronomy 28:44
'He will lend to you but you will not lend to him. He will be the head but you will be the tail'.
Our godly right is, 'we will lend to many and be borrowers of none, we will be the head and not the tail'. When we are in debt we will the tail and not the head, a reverse of God's promise to us. The whole debt philosophy is a man made concept, used to get us to submit. Serve God and not man.
1Timothy 1:7
'For God did not give us a spirit of timidity to fear but a spirit of power, love and of self discipline'.
Hebrews 12
God wants disciples or disciplined ones, people with discipline. Be disciplined in your spending. Spend less than what you make, use the extra to attack each debt to eliminate it.
- use your stimulus check to pay off debt
- use tax refund to pay off debt.
- pay extra into your mortgage to pay it off.
I am a true believer of writing down things and sticking them where I can see it so I can be reminded constantly.
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