The mother of all markets, in Barcelona. It's in the midst of the tourist area which makes it a great place to visit. The place was crowded with locals and tourists. It is one of the most fascinating markets I've been to. They sell virtually everything and the displays are so sumptuous. We spent a few hours here just gawking and taking pictures. We ate and drank and gawked some more. Wow!

Mushrooms, I think.

Baby lettuces, gourmet lettuces.

Cut up fruit. The colors, the smells, the sounds is so incredible. This was one of the highlights of the trip. It'll be memories like this that will see me through the days leading up to the next trip. How do I do it? By being a merciless saver, by working really hard, by thorough investigation of places to visit that will enthrall even the most jaded traveler and then doing it. It's hard work, going from place to place on your own without a tour operator waiting at each destination for you. The rewards are immense and I wouldn't trade this for anything. My neighbors left for Cancun yesterday and that's their idea of a vacation. Well, to each his own.

The jewelled colors of the fruits, the vegetables and candy are so pretty.

They even have tropical fruits, fruits found in Asia, it's like being home in Malaysia.

Candy, candy and more candy.

You probably don't recognise some of the fruits here, like the purple Mangosteen. It sure brings back memories of Malaysia. Imagine they sell Mangosteen (what?) in Barcelona.

Pimiento de padron, 1 euro for a whole kilo. We ate Pimiento de padron at a restaurant and paid 10 euros for a small plate. We don't find this except in Spain. I've tried roasting Hungarian sweet peppers found in the farmers' market here, then sprinkle them with a little kosher salt, it tasted almost like pimiento de padron.


Jambon de Iberico or is it Jambon de serrano, whichever one, both are incredible. We just had breakfast at a restaurant across the street from the market, we had jambon de serrano. Claudia Bassols in 'Spainontheroadagain' loves ham. Spanish ham is the best in the world. (

Eggs, that's all she sells.

all kinds of meat

All kinds of seafood.

I've yet to taste razor clams...

Sea snails.


Little bunny rabbits.

Pollo (chickens)

Heads of lambs, poor creatures. I actually saw a man buying these, I guess they eat this in Spain.

Tripe and all kinds of offal.

More heads and the things next to them are bull balls, I was told.
This is the most fun market I've ever been to. It's pretty big and you can see the delight of all who visits.
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