London means family reunion to see my two aunts and all the cousins and any new addition to the family like my cousin, Robert's baby son, Sebastian. I got everyone together for dim sum at London's Chinatown, Soho. It was great to see everyone at one place. The bill came to 70 pounds which I thought was really reasonable, I paid it gladly, money well spent. Most of our time in London usually is spent visiting with family, so there's still a lot of places in London I haven't been in spite of the many times I've been there, too many times to count. LHR has been like LAX to me. We came in and left at the new terminal 5, it was great, we love the new terminal 5. It is so easy to get to and from London Heathrow, the Piccadilly line goes straight to the airport. We stayed with one aunt in North London.

Soho, London's Chinatown.

We met outside Loon Fung supermarket on Gerard street.

The ethnically mixed neighborhood in North London. I can't count the number of times I've stayed here at my aunt's house near here. The same thrift shop has been here like forever.

Same neighborhood.

Roast duck at a Chinese restaurant.

It was an absolutely beautiful day in London, rare for September, everyone was outside and enjoying the day.

The icons of London, or one of them, the open top tour bus that circulate around the city to the major sights.

A London cab.

The old telephone booths, do people still use them? This guy was on his mobile phone outside the phone booths, I thought it was kind of funny.
This trip is coming to an end and I'm ready for another trip, I am planning my next one. It's been a great trip and a great year. I'm ready for the new year and new adventures to new places.
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