Friday, April 01, 2011

Coming down

 The lion of Venice, the Peloponnese was once ruled by the rich and powerful Venetians.

 The view of the bay as we walked down the 900 or so steps. Our calves hurt for days after that, we were using muscles we didn't know we had. Good thing we didn't have to walk up, some people did. We took a taxi to get up to the castle.

 I forgot the name for this flower, I've never seen it anywhere before. A lot of the wild flowers are endemic to the Peloponnese.
The whole area is so hilly, we had to climb a lot. Even with the buses there were a lot switchbacks. The Peloponnese is such an interesting area. I hope to return but as with all places, there really isn't time to return to any place. So its onward and forward.

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