Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A local family

We grew up poor and proud. Our school, a missionary school started by the Anglican church had a forward looking principal who forbade us as kids to ask for money for school projects. It's not like today's kids in the US who do go out on the streets selling cookies or chocolates to raise funds for some school project. Each time we have a school project, all the families involved has to pledge depending on their income and then made regular contributions until the need is met. It seemed to work. We were poor but I remember my dad pledging and doing his best to meet his obligations. So these kids were very nice at first but later turned on us and started destroying the church in front of us. Were they expecting something from us? It's not in me to give to children. I believe kids shouldn't not be made to beg. They seemed well dressed and well fed. The fact that they have visitors from so far away in the world should be reward enough. Not all blessings or honor are monetary.

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