Friday, September 30, 2011


 There are lots of little eateries all over the place. Eating at these places are not for the faint hearted. No sooner have I swallowed a bite that I don't wonder if it'll send me to the bathroom. I was fine this trip. Hygiene has definitely improved in China, not that one should not still take precautions, drink only bottled water, or boiled water and eat hot food. These were cold noodles and I took the risk.
 It's some hole in the wall place.
They lined the bowl with plastic and when you're done eating, they simply peel the plastic off and reuse the bowl without having to wash it. It was a lunch of cold noodles and some pickled vegetables, very typical of food for poor people, cost 5 Yuan (about .80 cents). Food is cheap but not always delicious, mostly greasy and salty.

1 comment:

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Gosh, you are brave!