Thursday, September 08, 2011

On our way to Tekkale

 Local women laying out the tarp to catch the mulberries that are falling off the tree.

Tekkale is 7 Km away from Yusufeli. We were told that there are lots of mini buses that go between Yusufeli and Tekkale. Yes but in the morning they bring people from Tekkale to Yusufeli because Yusufeli has the long distance buses. So all the buses were coming in the wrong direction. So we decided to hike. It was really pleasant, we passed local villagers and we exchanged our obligatory 'merhaba' or hello. But half way there I decided we should hitch, hiking wasn't my thing. We found a nice guy in a truck who stopped for us and took us the rest of the way to Tekkale. These are the back roads that we were traveling on.

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