Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Rothenburg de tauber, the signposts

The last time I did this, was last year in Alsace, France. That part of Alsace, France was part of Germany before and the resemblance is uncanny. Here I have another opportunity to feature the pretty signposts of the village. There were too many, these are just a few of them. The signs denotes the type of businesses that the shops are engaged in. This was the work that they do. It's all about work. It's only through our work that we get the money, to pay our bills, to travel....
Reminds me of a passage I read from the bible this morning, 'My Father is always at His work to this very day and I, too, am working.' Jesus spoke these words when He was accused of healing on the Sabbath day. Very often I have to remind myself that work is honorable and we all must work. My work is fun but there's just too much of it that kills the fun. Yesterday was the first time I gave a Shingles vaccine to a patient. We were trained last October and while I've given a few hundred 'Flu' shots, I've not given any shingles vaccine. I had the experiment on my first patient, twilling the needle around while he watched, probably thinking,'does she know what she's supposed to do?' From him, I figured it out so my second patient got the benefit, I was a real pro by that time. So off to work I go, so I can travel some more....

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