Thursday, February 03, 2011

Snowballs, etc

 They're fun to look at, so pretty. It's just sugary dough, deep fried and rolled in chocolate or more sugar. They taste ok but we just sampled and didn't buy any. Pictures are calorie free if you're counting calories.

 Apple chips in pretty baskets. It was the time of apples, being Fall.
We had a lot of fun in Rothenburg de Tauber. It is so pretty and has so many wonderful and delicious delights. That's the reason for travel. We don't want to have lived in this world and not travel to see the other delights in the world, outside of ours.
It's sad to see people taking to the streets in Cairo and so many other places in the Maghreb do the same. Clearly, while I don't condone violence, they should have done this years ago. The disparity between the rich and connected and the man in the streets is so jarringly huge. Educated people have to resort to driving taxis to make a living. College graduates in Tunisia are asked to be more entrepreneurial because there are no jobs.... what, after all the thought control, they now need to set up camel burger joints? What about the graduates in the USA, what are they going to do... set up social network sites so they can make a little money being a Google partner?
I've been blessed all my life, hard as life is, I've always had a high paying job since I moved to the US. I have Pharmacy students doing their rotation in my Pharmacy and they will all have at least US$200,000 in student loans when they graduate. They should all go out on the streets to riot. Why does it cost so much? Clearly our politicians, whichever party they are from, and in whatever country, have failed us. What's the moral of the story? We need to find alternative news source, we need to educate ourselves, outside of school and outside of the main political thought realm. We need to be independent thinkers. I don't use organised group tours. I'm too unique, how can anyone else know what I like, but me. So in all my peregrinations, I make up my own itinerary and then just go. Life should be lived like that, make your own trails, your own itinerary and then just go......

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