Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lost? Not really!

Maybe I'm happily lost. We found this melon seller and he persuaded us to partake of some of his melons.Sophie took this picture. We had a great time in Turkey and I'm planning to go back in June this year. Turkey has so much to offer. It is an amazing place.


Merisi said...

They look ripe and ready to eat!

Regarding your post about the Armenian Genocide, have you read Franz Werfel's novel "The 40 days of Musa Dagh"? Wikipedia has an interesting article about it and the long unsuccessful attempt to bring it to the movie screen.

annechung said...

I've heard of the book. Thanks to you, I've just ordered a copy from Amazon. I have Armenian Golgotha and The burning Tigris by Grandfather and Grandson, Balakian.