Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lunch at Poulard

I don't know how many eggs go into one omelet. Here is a few bowls of egg mixture going at the same time. There was this huge bowl of brown eggs and also this massive bowl of local butter. Here are this 2 guys cooking the omelet. We sat down and had a spot of lunch of omelet with lobster, delicious bread, and potatoes cooked in local cream topped with truffles. Normandy is the land of cream and butter and it goes into all their cooking. It was delicious but Sophie claimed the lobster made her sick. She became sick for the 2 days we had left in France and on till we got home. I am very sensitive to bad seafood but I was OK. So I don't really know what made her sick. So the next day I had to explore the countryside by myself. I did quite well on my own. It's good to know that I could still travel on my own. This was extremely rich food that we're not accustomed to.

1 comment:

Merisi said...

So sorry your friend fell sick!
Besides that, your pictures are so interesting,
they make me want to leave NOW to sit down for dinner at Poulard.

I have to travel to Geneva soon and I hope to be able to see some of France then too.
