Friday, July 02, 2010


It's heartening to see that people still take picnics. As the train rolled along and I'm at my most watchful, looking out the window, trying not to miss anything because I don't know when I'll be back this way again. I saw some people picking wild flowers, I thought to myself, 'how fun, wish I was out there with them.' Then I saw more and more groups of people, with blankets laid out or hung out for shade. They parked their cars alongside the road and they were sprawled all over the grassy meadows. They were families, out together and having picnics. How fun, it never cease to amaze me to see families get together to do things together. I could never find the time for such leisurely activities. I'm constantly in search of doing something useful. The past week, I've been tied down at work and at some training seminar and at home working on some online courses for work. The company I work for wants all their pharmacists to be certified as immunizing pharmacists, we can now give vaccination shots. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I came home to check out some blogs online and noticed what other people do for a living, making 'zines' and selling them. How fun. And I have to be doing the serious stuff, learning to give shots and making sure I don't prick myself with a dirty needle. The technology with regards to hypodermic syringes is pretty advanced these days. We use syringes with retractable needles. We had to pair up and give each other shots with sterile saline. That was a lot of fun after the initial fright of giving shots. Now I have to go back to work to start a vaccination clinic.

1 comment:

Merisi said...

Such interesting scenes!
Yes, it is comforting to see people still having picnics,
and at such splendid places to boot.

Good luck with your work!