Monday, May 30, 2011

Living in a Muslim cemetery

 'The city of the dead' is a cemetery but there are people living here and hence the name 'city of the dead'. It's a whole city of people living in this cemetery. It is not such an unusual phenomenon. There are similar such cities all over the world. Muslim cemeteries are usually large and has apartments in them because Muslims do visit their dead family members and sometimes have overnight stay over. When the apartment is not in use, it can be rented out. We had the opportunity of visiting with this family. Our taxi driver brought us there and we happened to see this family outside. He asked if we could come in and see their place. They allowed us, we left them some money before we left.

It is always interesting to see how people live all over the world. We never pass up any chance if we could do it. Sometimes the human stories are so life changing. I come home with greater appreciation of my life and work here. Sometimes I push myself extra hard thinking that these people would have loved the same opportunity I have of working. Hard as my life is, there are millions in the world who wouldn't think twice to switch life with me.

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